-"Metabolism" funky catchword now used by marketing.
-Simple definition
-Increased levels of amino acids and glucose
-Glucose is food for your brain. Rice Pasta Cerela
-Everyone has different energy needs
-Exercise will increase your body mass which means your metabolism goes up
-Fats have most energy per gram
-Water and alcohol gives you alot of energy
-The infamous food pyramid is replaced by the food PIE!
-Recommended served 5 serves of vegetables of today
-Multivitamids do not work it is the actual composition of the vegetable
-Recommended intake is 1/2 cup cooked, and 1 cup salad.
-2 pieces of Fruit per day
-Great source of carbs is Bread and cereals
-609 serves a day, a serve is 2 slices of bread, 1 bread roll, 1 cup of cooked pasta, 40g of cereal etc.
-Calcium is needed. Fortified Soy
-Daily FoodsBreadMilkMeatFruitVegies and LentilsUse olive Oil
-Garlic Capsules
-Buy Frozen Vegies
-Buy meat and bulk freeze
-CAnned Fish
-No Frills Milk
-Large yogurt Tubs
-Staples: on special, tomatoes, pasta/rice
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