-WHat is fact and fiction?
-Al Goreism
-How politically motivated is Al Gore in this?
-How much does he want to show how humanistic he is?
-How much bitterness does Al Gore show?
-Good people who are in politics from both sides, and need moral imperative to make changes that effect the history of humanity
-Earth Rise, 18 months, modern environmental movement has begun.
-Most commonly photographed picture in human history
-Grade school teacher story, did the contienents fit together, science advisor in the current administration?
-Reflecting the scientific theory of that time.
"What gets us into tourble is what we don't know, it's what we know for sure that just aint so."
-"The earth is so big, we can't effect it at all.
-Atmosphere is very thin, thin like a coat of varnish.
-Not because of foriegners
-Roger Revelle, first person to propose the CO2 emissions connected to temperatures
-Designed th experiment in 1957-Middle of the Pacific, area that was remote
-First hearings of global warming in congress-1994 went to the senate
-Carbon Tax-Kyoto 1997
-Real impact of the photos of the glaciers and
-40% of people take their drink water from the Himalayan water
-Ice glacier, medievil warming period
-Temperature is directly related to CO2-300 Parts permillion. of CO2
-Not political issue
-This is more of a moral issue
-Is this story compelling enough to make thishurrica a moral issue
-Al Gore's story of his son, personal story to make more people relate to his cause
-Trivial and insignificant, is that what we are in the greater scheme of things?
-We are the first species with the technological capapabilities to change their environment,
-Cheat inevitability of death
-Man's intelligence got him out of the caves, what abou now?
-Jeatwave that killed 35,000 people/
-India went into 50 degrees
-ALl these high temperature records
-Increase in hurricaines-Record for Typhoons
-Temp increases, mosture increases, and gets larger and stronger
-Infrastructure still pays respects to the lecturers
-Americanism, how in the world can this happen in america?
-So arrogant, and really stuck up
The Era of Procrastination is coming to a close, in turn we are entering a period of consequences
-Undecided presidency
-The amount of frustration what Algore is trying to say
-America is still by far the worst contributor to that problem
-Connections to deadly species-SARS-Avian Flu-West Nile Virus
-Coral Reefs are bleeching-Canary in the Coal Mine
-Fear Makes people react quickly, and controls our society.
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