Homosexual rights/liberation movemtn
-Founded in 1970 by Campaign Against Moral Persecution
-Radicals form Sydney Gay Liberation in 1972
-S.G.L morphs into campus student groups and eventually GSG
What did CAMP do?
-Law reform and changing social attitudes
-Made submissions to Inquiries putting the homosexual rights case
-Lobbid Governments for law change
-Public speaking at Lion's Clubs etc-Phone counseling service
-Demonstrations, pickets etc.
-Publication of Journal and Books.
Q: How much history is there of homosexualism in history? Greeks? Now?
CAMP vs Gay Lib, different.
-Womens revolution, social utopia.
Gay Pride Week 1973
-Great Stumble forward.
-Police Attacked
Marches were blocked, and police tried to stop.
-Communist Party went on front.
-What happened after 1973?
-Religious gay groups formed
-AUS gay rights mobilsation and National Homosexual Confrences
-Setting up of action groups
-socialist homosexuals, law reforms and teachers
-Core of 1973 veterans agitate and organize for the next 5 years
-Lesbians set up and organize womens centres rape crisis centres. 1978
-Activists meet to plan 4th National Confrerence + Anti
-FOL campaign
-A call from San Francisco for solidarity activities
-March and forum
-A night time "mardi gras"
-Acitivists and non-political gays mobilised
-Anti Radical reaction
Mardi Gras = Major changes
-Large increase in gay action groups
-Access to Wran Government
-Scrapping of Summary Offences Act
-Gay politics change -> male, mobilising oridnary homosexuals, links with left organisation & alienation of lesbians-CAMP turns back on activism-"Oppression" -> "Discrimination"-"Liberation" -> "rights"-"Movement" -> "Community"
-My acceptance of the homosexual sexuality only came into light at university, what is accepted as a joke?Or not?
-I often question my sexuality, it's quite common as my personality more closer to a feminine archetype. But it is normal behaviour to question this. Why is it okay to question it now? Because it just is.
-When sexual preference, I retain adamant that I am not homosexual, which is nice to know too!